The following articles cover issues with our current social media ecosystem.
The Humane-Tech Reading List: A compilation of many great articles, books, and thought leaders
I quit Instagram and Facebook and it made me a lot happier — and that’s a big problem for social media companies - CNBC health-tech reporter Christina Farr took a break from social media after realizing that she spent far more time on Instagram than she realized
A Decade After the iPhone, There’s Still No Good Smartphone for Kids
“Embarrassing And Damaging” Zuckerberg IMs Confirmed By Zuckerberg, The New Yorker
You can’t handle the truth about facebook ads, new Harvard study shows
After Cambridge Analytica, Privacy Experts Get to Say ‘I Told You So’
Mark Zuckerberg wants his kids off Facebook — but yours are fair game
Our minds can be hijacked’: the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia